Your day: how to plan your dream and not break the bank

Wedding days are like shoes. We all wear different sizes and then there’s a different type of shoe for every activity we are doing. Some shoes cost more and last longer, other shoes we wear one time and maybe paid a little more for but it was worth it because they made us HAPPY. This post is going to dig really deep, like way past your knees and up into your heart, to help you establish why you’re doing this wedding thing and what decisions need to be made to make it affordable and perfect. Figuring out where to place your hard earned cashola it’s best to start on the WHY. We need to rank the driving forces behind this day in order of importance. Are you wanting the pictures and/or video? Are you wanting to wear the perfect designer dress that you have preserved and cherish forever? Are you wanting to gather all your friends and family for a possibly drunken celebration?

Let’s start at the top of that list: Pictures and video. This is likely to be one of your biggest ticket items but quite likely the only thing that will remind you of all the good, maybe tiny bit stressful things from that day. Videos are amazing, photos even better. Photos can be framed, they can be made into a collage or even into a slideshow. Video, while when done well is amazing, it is a much higher cost. Some photographers offer video as well, but not all photogs are created equal. This is probably one of the easiest areas to really mess up as a bride, photos are the one thing I have heard the most brides say they wish they’d hired more professionally. Hire the right person and don’t skimp in this area. Plan on around $1,000 starting if not much higher. A family photographer, is not a wedding photographer. Nor is a friend who “takes photos.” Friends will more likely let you down than a professional and you’ll feel way better hating a professional than your friend, TRUST ME. Fully investigate a wedding photographer if this person isn’t someone you personally saw shoot a wedding you attended and also have seen the gallery presented to that bride.

Designer Dress: If you must have that very expensive Vera Wang but are willing to part with it, there are ways to sell it afterward. You’ll need to keep it as clean as possible the day of, so walking down an aisle without a runner or walkway won’t work and spray tanning the day of also a total no-no. If you want to keep that amazing gown, you can either pay to preserve it which could cost around $500 or more or die it a different color to wear in the future. Spending extra cash on a gown will deplete the other areas of your budget but it’s doable. And if the Vera is what you want, find ways to work it into your math. This is not a dress to party and dance in, so plan on an alternate outfit to get down and boogie. To free up some moolah do less table decor. The majority of photos will focus on the head table. Put your decor dollars there with nice but inexpensive items like colored cheesecloth and vases, maybe some greenery. Look around your house and also your mom’s/MILs house to see what treasures they have laying around for decor that are FREE. The other tables can be minimal if anything. Or don’t serve a full meal. Opt for a taco bar or small appetizers instead. Serve beer instead of liquor. Use faux florals for your bridal party and real for your bouquet. For a designer dress budget anywhere from $1,000-10,000. Look for trunk shows at bridal salons which often offer some kind of discounts.

Gettin’ down with your funky selves: To serve alcohol and have a DJ you’re spending at least $3,000. This includes security and licensed/insured bartender, both required. If you really just want to party, it may be best to save money on food and serve something really lite like appetizers. Do cupcakes or dessert bar (which is super cute) for guests with a small cake top for you and your groom. Limit table decor because they’ll be drinking anyway and decorate the head table. Borrow some outdoor games for fun. For refreshment serve water or tea instead of soda, both are cheap.

All of these little things are not anything a guest will notice you skimped on, and if they do, do you really want to be friends with those people? The only thing noticeable later are the photos so choose wisely and do your research.


planner/coordinator…it’s all the same, right?! Wrong


Part Deux: But Which venue?!… OMG