No, Really, Hire a Pro Photographer

You may have convinced yourself that anyone can take a photo with an iPhone, and it’ll be fine to let a friend and their phone to capture your day. While this statement alone is true, there’s a lot of B.S. behind it so put on your waders, it’s gonna get deep.

While an iPhone takes a great photo to be instantly shared via social media, with filters of course, this does not make it an image that will enlarge properly for any type of printing. Photographers shoot in a format known as raw and this is how they make all the magical changes that keep the photo looking real but a much better version than the original. Professional editing is also not possible on iPhone photos, the editing in iPhone is very limited and is not conducive to a great final image. Now let’s talk about framing and posing. Don’t know what framing is or how it works? You’re not supposed to and no one taking iPhone photos knows either, but who does know what framing is-a photographer. They will know how to crop the photo to catch the perfect sunbeam, or how to make sure all the water bottles are out of the photo before snapping it. This is framing and it’s a major part of the photographers’ job, so let them do it. Do you try to dunk against Michael Jordan? No you don’t, stay in your lane and hire a pro. Zooming is yet another thing that can’t be done on an iPhone or at least not anything you’d want to print. Hence a professional with a quality camera and lens. A good pro will tell you it’s not about the camera, that in a pinch they could still take great photos with a canon rebel T3i and a kit lens. Which is absolutely true, and I know this because I’m one of the photographers who can outshoot your iPhone with that canon rebel. If there is anything that costs a good chunk of money for a wedding it’s the photographer, and a good one is worth every penny and then some. So bite the bullet and find a good one and book ‘em.

Photo credit: Brooklyn Vaughn


Florals: live or fake


My Friend’s little sister has been trying out photography and she’s going to do our photos…