seating chart and why it’s not dumb…

We’ve all heard of that pesky little detail called the seating chart. Now, if your family is a little on the crazy side (we all have crazy family, you’re not alone), or maybe there’s that weird aunt that you can’t not invite but she smells a little like a thrift store (not the good thrift store smells) and tries to put spells on people, the seating chart definitely comes in handy. There’s also the awesome second cousin who is kind enough to listen to Aunt Edna when she starts talking about the people she is putting spells on, and they’re perfect tablemates.

However, there is another big reason for a seating chart. Let’s say the venue, ours of course, has accommodations for 175 people. When 160 people RSVP, without a seating chart you’ll end up with guests leaving chairs between themselves and the person next to them and then you end up with 40 empty chairs and people standing because they have several people in their party and they want to sit together. OR, worse, in my opinion, people go to tables and block off the chairs they want while they go get food. That scenario not only leads to empty chairs but also looks terrible, is a trip hazard and is just annoying. So take the time to sit down and plan out who sits where. And then you can make a fancy piece of decor out of it so it fits your brand and theme (see previous blog post). All problems solved. Well, not really but we’re getting there!


Rehearsal and when/how you Do it.


Bridezilla: how the bride morphs into a giant lizard…