Rehearsal and when/how you Do it.

This is probably one of the biggest misconceptions in the wedding industry, and hands down the most common panic moment for a bride. The nerves are raw from planning, brides know that their nephew, even though he’s adorable, is very likely to run screaming down the aisle tossing the rings into the air instead of actually carrying the rings to where they need to go. Or, the one groomsman, no one wanted to be a groomsman is going to be picking his nose on the way to the front. Let me just dash your hopes here ladies… If your nephew is going to toss the rings and scream-run down the aisle there is zero amount of practicing that’s going to prevent this debacle. The best “rehearsal” for this little dude will be a nap and some sugar (tiny bit) so there’s less chance of him being tired and hangry. A rehearsal several days before or even the night before will likely yield little results resembling anything you practiced. However! I highly recommend practicing but this is more for the vision of who is walking down the aisle when and with whom is the result of that practice. Are the bridesmaids and groomsmen walking down the aisle together and then back up together? If the bridesmaids and groomsmen are not walking together are they coming out of the same doors as each other? Is the bride coming from a different door? (is the bride being seen by the guests and issue for the bride in which case the entrance location needs to be properly planned) What songs and cues to that song is everyone walking? Who is cuing that music? And so on. Rehearsals can take place any where, it doesn’t have to be the venue. We do offer a package that includes the night before for rehearsal which is our most popular package. But for the bride who wants to do just The Space, she will be much happier to have the rehearsal the morning of the wedding. This is the best chance for anyone to actually remember what will be happening and the order in which it’s to happen and it also is the time everyone will be together, or at least we hope because the wedding is later that day. Don’t worry, they’ll forget everything the minute the music cues up and it’s their turn. Brides, you’ll do the same so don’t judge. That’s why you need us to day of coordinate for you, we will cue you and fluff your dress all without batting an eye. See? Easy. You got this!


The details and what’s in them


seating chart and why it’s not dumb…